Finding Happiness in Life

29 Jul


From my work with the Tao Te Ching (TTC), I have come upon a few ideas on how we can achieve happiness in this life.  The Tao Te Ching doesn’t put much weight in techniques.  It won’t tell you to put your left finger in your left nostril while holding your breath and standing on your left foot.  No, the TTC takes a very direct but simple approach.  It tells us if we want to be happy in life, then we need to be satisfied with ourselves and content with who we are and with what we already possess.

It says, “empty the mind and fill the stomach.”  The message here is to stop thinking, wanting, worrying and contriving so much and, just take care of the most basic necessities in our lives.  If we can do that, it will shrink the space available for any negative influences that might touch us.

This takes us to a place where we can bring love to ourselves and others.  This is the light that illuminates the inner and the outer.  Is this not the point of true joy and happiness!


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